Equality @FER

Welcome to the pages of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing dedicated to gender  equality. The mission of the Faculty is, among other things, to be an institution of high academic values  and ethical principles, a site of critical thinking and questioning, a place of equality for all its members  and to be a driving force in the Croatian society.

At its 710th meeting on 15 September 2021, the Faculty Council adopted the Gender Equality Plan for the period 2021-2025. 

The proposed measures are based on the results of an enquiry into gender equality at FER and in the local and national environment in which the Faculty operates. The research was conducted in 2020 to identify institutional factors and practises that might influence bias in various aspects of the Faculty's activities. Research and innovation stakeholders from European Union and around the world share common challenges regarding gender equality: a low percentage of female students in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), the phenomenon of women leaving jobs in STEM fields (leaky pipeline) and a low percentage of women in leadership positions (glass ceiling).

Gender equality in research and innovation is one of the priorities of the European Research Area (ERA). The European Commission has set three objectives for European countries and institutions:

  • gender equality in scientific careers,
  • gender balance in decision-making, and
  • integration of the gender dimension into the content of research and innovation.

The FER Gender Equality Plan sets out measures that contribute, to the extent possible, to the achievement of the stated general objectives. The document is the result of the collective work of FER staff and is therefore fully consistent with the established Faculty practises.

The plan was created within the Caliper project: Linking Research and Innovation for Gender Equality funded within framework Horizon 2020.