Published papers

Journal papers

  1. Cvišić, Igor; Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. SOFT-SLAM: Computationally Efficient Stereo Visual SLAM for Autonomous UAVs. // Journal of field robotics. (2017); WileyOnline
  2. Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Mixture Reduction on Matrix Lie Groups. // IEEE signal processing letters24 (2017) , 11; 1719-1723 IEEE Xplore
  3. Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Extended Information Filter on Matrix Lie Groups // Automatica, 82 (2017) ; 226-234 ScienceDirect
  4. Lenac, Kruno; Kitanov, Andrej; Cupec, Robert; Petrović, Ivan.  Fast Planar Surface 3D SLAM Using LIDAR. //  Robotics and Autonomous Systems.  92 (2017) ; 197-220, ScienceDirect
  5. Maurović, Ivan; Seder, Marija; Lenac, Kruno; Petrović, Ivan.  Path Planning for Active SLAM Based on the D* Algorithm With Negative Edge Weights. //  IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics - Systems. 2017. (accepted for publishing) IEEE Xplore
  6. Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Cvišić, Igor; Petrović, Ivan. Radar and stereo vision fusion for multitarget tracking on the special Euclidean group. // Robotics and autonomous systems83 (2016) ; 338-348, ScienceDirect.

Conference papers

  1. Lenac, Kruno; Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Cooperative Cloud SLAM on Matrix Lie Groups // Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT). Seville, Spain, 2017
  2. Joukov, Vladimir; Ćesić, Josip; Westermann, Kevin; Marković, Ivan; Kulić, Dana; Petrović, Ivan. Human motion estimation on Lie groups using IMU measurements // Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017. supplementary_material
  3. Lenac, Kruno; Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Cvišić, Igor; Petrović, Ivan. Revival of filtering based SLAM? Exactly sparse delayed state filter on Lie groups // Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
  4. Ćesić, Josip; Joukov, Vladimir; Petrović, Ivan; Kulić, Dana. Full Body Human Motion Estimation on Lie Groups Using 3D Marker Position Measurements // Proceedings of International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids). Cancun, Meksiko : IEEE-RAS, 2016
  5. Ćesić, Josip; Marković, Ivan; Petrović, Ivan. Moving object tracking employing rigid body motion on matrix Lie groups // 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Special Session on Directional Estimation. Heidelberg, Germany, 2016. 1-7 (special session).
  6. Marković, Ivan; Ćesić, Josip; Petrović, Ivan. On wrapping the Kalman filter and estimating with the SO(2) group // 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Special Session on Directional Estimation. Heidelberg, Germany, 2016. 1-6 (special session).